

The SNP/Mutation data stored in this database locates special region as following:

Detection Region
Transcription Factor  upstream 
RNA Binding Protein  intronic,UTR3,splicing 
miRNA seed  miRNA_intronic,miRNA_exonic,miRNA_splicing 

Data not queryable this database represents the Mutation/SNP data of other regions or leading to change of other motifs.

Data queryable in this database represents the data that can be query by the Query section.

Transcription Factor Somatic Motif

Data not queryable in this database Data queryable in this database
TCGA_SNP  download!!! ICGC  download!!!
GTEx  download!!!
dbSNP(152)  download!!!

RNA Binding Protein Somatic Motif

Data not queryable in this database Data queryable in this database
ICGC  download!!! ICGC  download!!!
TCGA Mutation  download!!! TCGA Mutation  download!!!
dbSNP(152)  download!!! dbSNP(152)  download!!!
GTEx  download!!! GTEx  download!!!
REDIportal  download!!! REDIportal  download!!!
TCGA SNP  download!!!

miRNA Seed Somatic Motif

Data not queryable in this database Data queryable in this database
TCGA_SNP  download!!! ICGC  download!!!
TCGA  download!!!
dbSNP(152)  download!!!
GTEx  download!!!
REDIportal  download!!!

miRNA-mRNA 3'UTR Somatic Motif

Data not queryable in this database Data queryable in this database
TCGA_SNP  download!!! ICGC  download!!!
TCGA  download!!!
dbSNP(152)  download!!!
GTEx  download!!!
REDIportal  download!!!