To query somatic motifs based on your own target information, please use our SMDB database.
The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Database.
The Genotype-Tissue Expression project is an ongoing effort to build a comprehensive public resource to study tissue-specific gene expression and regulation.
International Cancer Genome Consortium.
The Cancer Genome Atlas Program.
The largest RNA editing resource for human and other organisms.
RNA Binding Protein Motifs from four databases were listed and used in the SBSA tools. These motifs can be available in here.
A daTabase of RNA binding proteins and AssoCiated moTifs. 1249 (Human: 1194 + Mouse: 55)
o RNA motifs enrichment in complete transcriptomes. 453 (Human: 453 + Mouse: 0)
The database of RNA-binding Protein specificities. 71 (Human: 71 + Mouse: 0)
Mapping Binding Sites of RNA Binding Proteins. 94 (Human: 92 + Mouse: 2)
Transcription Factor Motifs from 11 databases were listed and used in the SBSA tools. In which, we thanks the footprintDB database to support a part of preprocessed data. These motifs can be available in here.
650 (Human: 481 + Mouse: 169)
757 (Human: 401 + Mouse: 356)
5509 (Human: 4351 + Mouse: 1158)
815 (Human: 639 + Mouse: 176)
3 (Human: 3 + Mouse: 0)
1744 (Human: 1743 + Mouse: 1)
38 (Human: 38 + Mouse: 0)
839 (Human: 688 + Mouse: 151)
660 (Human: 660 + Mouse: 0)
96 (Human: 85 + Mouse: 11)
650 (Human: 234 + Mouse: 416)
The microRNA database.
For decoding miRNA-mRNA, miRNA-ceRNA, miRNA-lncRNA, miRNA-circRNA, miRNA-pseudogene and protein-RNA interaction networks.