
SBSA Manual

This section will explain the all parameters in SBSA tool and how to operate and interpret results.

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Fields in all output CSV files:

Header Meaning
Bind_seq Oligo nucleotide sequence bound by a molecular regulator (TF/RBP).
Chromosome Chromosome where a variant is located.
eQTL_gene (FineMapping) Fine-Mapping-endorsed Ensembl gene ID of the regulated gene involved in the eQTL relation.
eQTL_gene (GTEx) GTEx-endorsed Ensembl gene ID of the regulated gene involved in the eQTL relation.
eQTL_pos.prob (CAVIAR) Posterial probability of eQTL association inferred by a "Fine Mapping" method (see more information on GTEx page).
Family_Conservation TargetScan-defined miRNA conservation category (broadly conserved, conserved, poorly conserved, or “other”).
GTEx_variant Variant ID as identified in GTEx datasets.
Host_gene Symbol of the host gene whose body encloses or approximates the variant.
Location Chromosome coordinate position of a variant.
MiRBase_ID miRNA ID identified in miRBase.
miRNA_family miRNA conservation family.
miRNAtarget.alt miRNA target sequence in mRNA 3'-UTR carrying the variant.
miRNAtarget.ref miRNA target sequence in mRNA 3'-UTR in the reference genome.
miRNAtarget_gene Gene Symbol of the associated mRNA target of the miRNA.
miRNAtarget_geneID Ensembl gene ID of the associated mRNA target of the miRNA.
Motif ID of the plausible motif originating from the PWM file.
Motif_effect Gain or Loss of the plausible motif resulting from the variant.
p.alt (FIMO) P-value for the approximity between altered sequence (Seq.alt) and the PWM motif.
p.ref (FIMO) P-value for the approximity between reference sequence (Seq.ref) and the PWM motif.
Region Gene-relative classification of the genomic region enclosing the variant. Typical values include exonic, intronic, upstream, etc.
Regulator_context_expression Contextual expression of plausible molecular regulator (TF/RBP), expressed as rank of the regulator in the GTEx transcriptomes.
Regulator_gene Symbol of the molecular regulator that binds with the plausible motif.
Regulator_geneID Ensembl gene ID of the molecular regulator that binds with the plausible motif.
Seed.alt miRNA seed sequence carrying the variant.
Seed.ref miRNA seed sequence in the reference genome.
Seq.alt Altered sequence in parallel to Reference Sequence reflecting the variant in question.
Seq.ref Reference sequence surrounding the variant location reflecting the reference genome.
Species_ID Taxonomy ID of the species of the concerned miRNA.
Strand Strandedness of the plausible motif or miRNA-related segments.
Tissue The tissue concerned in Contextual expression or eQTL information.
Variant Nucleotide change at a chromosome location as relative to the reference genome.
Variant_impact (CADD_phred) Functional impact of the variant predicted by a sequence or conservation based algorithm.

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