Edit Predict Help

This section explains all the parameters for using EditPredict tool and how to interpret results.

Results are provided in gz format and can be downloaded by clicking the Yellow button.
Header Meaning
ChromosomeChromosome where a RNA editing candidate site is located.
PositionChromosome coordinate position where a RNA editing candidate site is located.
RNAeditingBinary prediction of an RNA editing event. One (1) means the site is RNA editable, while zero (0) means the site is not editable.
NO_probThe probability that the candidate site is not editable.
YES_probThe probability that the candidate site is editable.
GeneSymbol of the host gene whose body encloses or approximates the RNA editing candidate site.
RegionGene-relative classification of the genomic region enclosing the candidate site. Typical values include exonic, intronic, upstream, etc.

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